Ward 5 Member
DC State Board
of Education
Pursuing more just and equitable education policies at the local level.
GET MORE INFOHousing Policy
Familiarity with a wide variety of federal, state, and local housing policies and strategies to increase safe, stable, healthy, and affordable housing.
Historical Research
Archival research on the politics of housing finance and fair housing, freedpeoples' education in Reconstruction North Carolina, and international higher education at Dag Hammarskjold College
Every student can learn.
All students can learn and achieve at high levels, regardless of classification — at-risk, special education, English language learner — if they receive the supports that they need. Equity demands that we provide these supports.
Students learn best when their basic needs are met.
Students learn best when they have food, housing, and financial security at home and feel safe and cared for both physically and emotionally at school.
Parents are experts on their kids; teachers are experts on learning.
Parents and teachers need more avenues to have a direct voice in policy making to leverage their expertise and collaborate for improved student outcomes.
We can improve our schools.
Our path to improving schools lies in comprehensively addressing poverty, doubling down on what we know works — starting early with high-quality early education, stable leadership, teaching the science of reading, and equitably allocating resources to support the schools and students who need them the most — and using data to identify and improve what does not work.
We need to prepare for future disruptions.
Teachers and school leaders have made heroic efforts to continue robust learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, but it has been a difficult time for many. Even as we continue to adjust to the current disruption, we need to prepare for the next one by thinking broadly about ways to do school such as outdoor learning.
Education is a right.
Every student in DC should have by-right access to a pre-K to 12 feeder pattern of high-quality schools. This is an essential foundation for an equitable and successful system of school choice.